Learning Links

Click on the following links. They will open in a new page.

http://www.khanacademy.org/video/basic-addition?playlist=Arithmetic - Every student should go to this site everyday and work on a math skill. You watch the video and then do the practice. If you pass the practice then you are ready to move on to the next video. This link will link you to the very first video.

- The Owensboro Catholic Schools Website

http://www.freerice.com/- Great Vocabulary and English skill review and it also helps send Rice to Third World Countries.  This one is awesome for adults!! :-)

http://ocsaces.podbean.com/category/rosary/- This is a school website and you can listen to the Rosary being said by students and Bishop Medley.

http://coolmath4kids.com/ - Good website to work on math skills.

http://funbrain.com/- Your child can practice math and reading through games.